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ISO 45001:2018 (OHSAS)

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

About ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)

ISO 45001:2018 stipulates the requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system of an organisation. It determines organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health, there by proactively improving OH&S performance.

ISO 45001:2018 Certification is for

ISO 45001:2018 suits to any organization which performs workplace operations (manufacturing, processing etc.) with workers involved. ISO 45001 is applicable to organisation that wishes to establish, implement and maintain an OH&S management systems. It aims to improve occupational health and safety, identify and eliminate hazards and minimize risks associated with OH&S (including system deficiencies).

Approach Areas

  • top management leadership, commitment, responsibilities and accountability;

  • top management developing, leading and promoting a culture in the organization that supports the intended outcomes of the OH&S management system;

  • communication;

  • consultation and participation of workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives;

  • allocation of the necessary resources to maintain it;

  • OH&S policies, which are compatible with the overall strategic objectives and direction of the organization;

  • effective process(es) for identifying hazards, controlling OH&S risks and taking advantage of OH&S opportunities;

  • continual performance evaluation and monitoring of the OH&S management system to improve OH&S performance;

  • integration of the OH&S management system into the organization’s business processes;

  • OH&S objectives that align with the OH&S policy and take into account the organization’s hazards, OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities;

  • compliance with its legal requirements and other requirements.

Benefits of ISO 45001:2018 Certification

Consistent with the organization's OH&S policy, benefits of an OH&S management system include:

  • Advantage over competitors as ISO 45001:2018 certified

  • Confrims organization's OH&S policy is in place to monitor and address the work place health and safety realted issues

  • Improves response to emergency situations

  • Improves focus on monitoring and continual improvement;

  • Enhances perception as workplace friendly organisation among employees and customers

Our Service offers for ISO 45001 Certification:

With a team of highly experienced consultants and trainers, Deccan Consulting’ assists in:

  • Implementing and achieving ISO 45001 certification based on your requirements.

  • Educating you on what you need for meeting the requirements

  • Developing management plans and systems (upgrading the existing documentation), thereby enabling you to solve any potential issues

  • Avoiding costly mistakes and unnecessary delays

  • Sail through your audit with confidence and ease

  • Will only recommend for audit when you feel ready and will remain on-call throughout your audit

  • Getting done through audit process, award of certification, interim assistance for maintaining the compliance and certification for annual checks

Deccan Consulting' offers services in enhancing the systems and capabilities for optimising performance and productivity, comply with the requirements for polices, standards, assessments and certifications. Get in touch with us to get more information about our consultancy services.

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