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Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) - Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification 

About FSC

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a global, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. The FSC was established with the mission to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests.


Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) runs FSC Forest Management Certification and FSC Chain of Custody Certification.

About FSC Chain of Custody Certification(CoC)

Consumers are increasingly concerned with choosing forest-based products (viz. Paper, furniture, Ply, wooden handicrafts etc.) that are responsibly sourced and made. FSC Chain of Custody(CoC) certification primarily enables for accounting the traceability of product (originated from FSC certified forest sources / controlled wood sources) between leaving the forest and arriving in the consumer’s hands. It may involve through a complex supply chain from processing to manufacturing to distribution.


FSC CoC certification verifies that FSC-certified material has been identified and separated from non-certified and non-controlled material as it makes its way along the supply chain from forest origin to the way through to Consumer. FSC chain of custody certification allows companies to use the FSC label, giving consumers assurance about the origin of the products they buy.

FSC Chain of Custody Certification(CoC) is for

FSC CoC certification is available to all types of organizations in all regions of the world which are associated in manufacturing, processing, handling forest products, including sawmills, secondary manufacturers, traders, printers, and paper merchants. Facilities with scope of Single or multisite or in groups, construction projects used FSC certified wood can get certified. This certification verifies use of input materials sourced from FSC-certified forests and FSC certified suppliers supplying products with FSC claims viz. FSC 100%, FSC Mix Credit, FSC Mix %, FSC Recycled Credit, FSC Recycled % and FSC Controlled Wood (CW).


An FSC Chain of Custody certificate is valid for five years with annual surveillance audits for maintaining your certificate.

FSC Controlled Wood (CW)

FSC Controlled Wood standard shall be applied by FSC chain of custody certified entities who wishes to source forest products from non-FSC certified sources is controlled (farm or forest plantations) as per the requirements (through company verification program) provided can claim as FSC Controlled Wood. FSC Controlled Wood can be used as part of eligible input material for the purpose of mixing with FSC certified materials in the process of production or processing.

FSC certified companies shall aim to avoid sourcing illegally harvested wood, wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights, wood harvested in forests where high conservation values are threatened by management activities, wood harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non- forest use, wood from forests in which genetically modified tress are planted. Collecting information of origin of wood, risk assessment and risk mitigation are core components of this standard.


FSC Recycled Content

This standard is provided for purchasing, verifying and classifying reclaimed forest-based inputs for use in FSC Product Groups and FSC Certified Projects.

Benefits of FSC CoC Certification

Consistent with the organization's commitment to Foreset conservation and sustainability, the desired benefits of FSC certifcation include:

  • Enables to process/trade FSC Certified products

  • Improved market access with enhanced brand image

  • Demonstrate compliance with public and private sector procurement policies

  • align with the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR)

  • Provides guidance for establishing and implmentation of Due Deligince System

  • Certified products gains credits for inputs used in construction ex. USGBC  LEED program, IGBC etc.

Our Service offers for FSC CoC Certification:

With a team of highly experienced consultants and trainers, Deccan Consulting’ assists in:

  • Implementing and achieving FSC Chain of Custody Certification based on your requirements.

  • Determining the scope of applicable certification standards (FSC Chain of Custody, FSC Controlled wood etc.) based on the operations

  • Educating you on what you need for meeting the requirements

  • Developing management plans and systems (upgrading the existing documentation), thereby enabling you to solve any potential issues

  • Avoiding costly mistakes and unnecessary delays

  • Sail through your audit with confidence and ease

  • Will only recommend for audit when you feel ready and will remain on-call throughout your audit

  • Getting done through audit process, award of certification, interim assistance for maintaining the compliance and certification for annual checks

Deccan Consulting' offers services in enhancing the systems and capabilities for optimising performance and productivity, comply with the requirements for polices, standards, assessments and certifications. Get in touch with us to get more information about our consultancy services.

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