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Friend of the Sea

Certification  of sustainable seafood from fisheries and Aquaculture

About Friend of the Sea

Friend of the Sea is now a leading international certification project for products originated from both sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Friend of the Sea is a global non-governmental organisation (NGO), with mission is the conservation of the marine habitat. Certified products from all continents include most of the traded species, fishmeal, fishfeed and Omega-3 fish oil. Products and their origins are audited onsite by independent international certification bodies, against strict Friend of the Sea sustainability criteria.

Friend of the Sea certification is for

Friend of the Sea certification requirements follow the FAO - Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries. In particular, only products from stocks which are not overexploited can be certified (Art. 30 FAO Guidelines).  


In line with the FAO, Friend of the Sea pricing model is affordable also to artisanal fisheries and small-scale producers, representing over 50% of the Friend of the Sea certifications.

Friend of the Sea Standards

Benefits of Friend of the Sea Certification

Friend of the Sea is the globally leading Certification for demonstrating sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, benefits include are as follows:

  • Assure customers that seafood has been produced/harvested(wild catch), processed, prepared and handled in compliance with FoS standard requirements

  • Demonstrates responsible and sustainable practices

  • Validates good communications with stakeholders

  • Access to new markets and clients
  • Enhanced brand reputation

  • Price premiums from buyers

Our Service offers for FoS Certification:

With a team of highly experienced consultants and trainers, Deccan Consulting’ assists in:

  • Implementing and achieving FoS certification based on your requirements.

  • Educating you on what you need for meeting the requirements

  • Developing management plans and systems (upgrading the existing documentation), thereby enabling you to solve any potential issues

  • Avoiding costly mistakes and unnecessary delays

  • Sail through your audit with confidence and ease
  • Will only recommend for audit when you feel ready and will remain on-call throughout your audit

  • Getting done through audit process, award of certification, interim assistance for maintaining the compliance and certification for annual checks

Deccan Consulting' offers services in enhancing the systems and capabilities for optimising performance and productivity, comply with the requirements for polices, standards, assessments and certifications. Get in touch with us to get more information about our consultancy services.

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